In Issue Pictures

Here are some pictures from Issue 120.

Click on the pictures to see them bigger, but be warned you don’t always get what you might expect.

Please note that all text and pictures on this web site are copyright by R&SCPA except where indicated otherwise. You may freely copy for personal non-commercial purposes any text or picture that is copyright R&SCPA. To copy a picture right-click on it and “Save as”.

Some attendees of the Scout Jamboree in South Korea
Some of the Jamboree attendees
Funding received for RIpley Village Hall
Ripley Farmers' Market filmed for 'Farmers Country Showdown'
Ripley Farmers' Market filmed for 'Farmers Country Showdown'
Newark MIll
Newark Mill
From Lolapalooza
From Lolapalooza
Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Wisley King’, an RHS Champion Tree
Frozen Triggs Lock in Flood
Triggs Flooded Towpath
Tree Planting in Send