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March 2025
Ripley Coffee Morning
Come and meet your friends and make new ones. Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and a homemade cake. In Ripley Church Room every Wednesday.
Find out more »Send Small Steps Tots Group
Small Steps is a group for tots (children from 0-5 years) and their carers that runs every Wednesday morning 10-11.30 in the Church Rooms on Send Road GU23 7ET during term time. All parents, childminders, grandparents, welcome to bring their charges, however young for a time of play and socializing. There is no charge but donations towards heating are always appreciated. Contact: Kate Pearmain at kmpearmain@gmail.com
Find out more »Ockham WI in Ripley
Ockham WI meets on the first Wednesday of each month
Find out more »Paracise & Wobble Exercise Classes
Paracise & Wobble Exercise Classes in Ripley Village Hall every Friday. PARACISE at 9.45am - Gentle on the joints. Paracise flows smoothly through movements designed to improve posture, balance, mobility and flexibility Exercise to fabulous music - 45 minutes and NO FLOOR WORK WOBBLE at 10.45am - Seated class with some standing balance work holding on to a chair - stay active at any age - strength, balance and mobility Exercise to fabulous music - 45 minutes. First class is…
Find out more »Ripley Farmers’ Market
Ripley Farmers' Market is on the second Saturday of each month.
Find out more »Ripley Museum – The 1970s
Ripley Museum's exhibition is of things from the 1970s, e.g. Polyester, Platforms, Power Cuts and Punk. It is on from January 11th to the end of March 2025, every Saturday from 10am to noon.
Find out more »Send Annual Parish Meeting
You are invited to SEND ANNUAL PARISH MEETING in the Upper Room of the Lancaster Hall, Send at 7.00pm on Monday 10th March.
Find out more »Send Over 60s Club Meeting
Send Over 60s Club usually meet on the second Wednesday of each month.
Find out more »Ripley Museum – The 1970s
Ripley Museum's exhibition is of things from the 1970s, e.g. Polyester, Platforms, Power Cuts and Punk. It is on from January 11th to the end of March 2025, every Saturday from 10am to noon.
Find out more »Send Coffee Morning & Charity Shop
The Send Coffee Morning & Charity Shop usually occurs on the third Monday of each month.
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